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Meet the stars of the books:


Super cool, calm, loves books and experiencing the never ending adventures with his bestie


Big heart, competitive and a magnet for fun and mischief


Loves pink, creativity and helping others mixed with a tiny bit of chaos


Loyal and loves fashion with a flare for being very organised and on time



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Author | Mum | Creative

Ever had one of those moments as a parent? (hoping it’s not just me…). Where you look skyward, perhaps muttering choice words under your breath, and ask for patience or inspiration?


That was me, years ago, in the middle of a long-haul trip with very tired, emotional kids. My 4-year-old was being a “handful”, I had tried every strategy in my parental arsenal to no avail. This resulted in tears and tantrums. And that was just me!


Lying in bed that night I sent up a silent prayer asking for help, because I had no idea what I could do to fix this situation.


That’s when it happened. No, my 4-year-old didn’t change, I woke up with the idea for a series of books in my head. Books that would help families like ours to really connect and find better ways of approaching rules and chores.


Enter The Bestie Series featuring Arthur &  Olly, Lulu & Polly. This series of rhyming stories is aimed at 4 to 7-year-olds and their grown-ups. In the books, your kids will learn about what makes family life tick without you having to tell them what to do (because in my experience, that often doesn’t work anyway!).


I live on the Gold Coast with my two children, partner and extended family. With years of experience in the corporate world, I have always loved writing and using what I see in my own family and with other families to inspire my books.


My wish is that The Bestie Series helps you and your family to enjoy a happier, more harmonious family life, with rhyming stories that inspire you to create magic in everyday life.


Tanya Maree


p.s. I love hearing from grown-ups and kids sharing their funny stories as they navigate life and also receiving feedback regarding my books.

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